
City and County of Denver

By Marcus Giavanni | May 17, 1916 11:17 PM | @cityofdenver


Published May 17, 1916 11:17 PM | Updated, Sep 15,  2022 5:47 PM by "City and County of Denver US" Verified by " City and county of Denver LLC" and #cityandcountyofdenverllc | About |  "Cityandcountyofdenver.us" verified by City and County of Denver LLC.

Non-political  Government/Administration; a government operated by its citizens, which does not advocate, advance, or influence any party affiliation, policy position, or candidate. As for Denver's city charter (LAW), called the "Speer Amendment signed May 17, 1916". The Honorable Mayor Robert W. Speer. W stands for Winner, did you know that? Denver was a winner because of everything he did! Marcus Giavanni, c/o Mayor Robert W. Speer.

                              The actual law is very simple and straight forward:


As, Revised, with all Amendments to and including May 17, 1916

1.    General Municipal Policy.

                  (Section 1) From and after the adoption of this charter amendment, the administration of the City and County of Denver shall be non-political, with economy and good service as its aim and purpose. ALL APPOINTMENTS TO BE MADE SOLEY UPON MERIT AND ABILITY.

(Charter Amendment, May 17, 1916).

The Key is Denvegov.org and when that key is in the citizens pocket. Then, and only then; We Are All Denver! As Mayo We will abolish Denvergov.org. And establish the new digital dome the entire world will want one. And we are going to teach the world the next generation of the World Wide Web by Marcus Giavanni

2023 Denver District Court Marcus Giavanni vs Paul Lopez | 23cv54

Kelly Brough @kellybrough YouTube Channel by Marcus Giavanni - News GP7A